Alfonso Salgado is an associate researcher at the Instituto de Investigación en Ciencias Sociales at the Universidad Diego Portales. He received his PhD in history from Columbia University in 2016. He is developing the postdoctoral project “Prensa de izquierda y gestión empresarial en Chile” (Proyecto Fondecyt de Postdoctorado N. 3190080) and is participating as coresearcher in the research project “Estalinismo y desestalinización: Continuidad y cambio en las generaciones militantes de las Juventudes Comunistas de Chile” (Proyecto Fondecyt Regular N. 1190307). …

Interview with Alfonso Salgado, author of “La batalla por la opinión pública: Radiodifusión y política comunicacional en la vía chilena al socialismo” Read more »

Vanessa Freije holds a PhD in history from Duke University, and she is assistant professor in the Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies at the University of Washington in Seattle. She is currently completing a book on the opening of the Mexico City press in the late twentieth century. You can read her article “Speaking of Sterilization: Rumors, the Urban Poor, and the Public Sphere in Greater Mexico City” in HAHR 99.2.