The Hispanic American Historical Review is published quarterly by Duke University Press in cooperation with the Conference on Latin American History and the American Historical Association.

Founded in 1918 at Duke University, HAHR pioneered the study of Latin American history and culture in the United States. Today it maintains a distinguished tradition of publishing vital work across thematic, chronological, regional, and methodological specializations. It is generally recognized as the preeminent journal in the field of Latin American history.

HAHR publishes peer-reviewed articles featuring original, innovative research and pathbreaking analysis. Each issue also contains a comprehensive book review section, which provides commentary on every facet of scholarship on Latin American history and culture. The journal periodically publishes special features, such as forums and special issues.

Please look to the Multimedia page of this website for further information, author interviews, and thematic collections of articles on Latin American and Caribbean history.


Lauren H. Derby, University of California, Los Angeles

Katherine M. Marino, University of California, Los Angeles
Fernando Pérez-Montesinos, University of California, Los Angeles
William R. Summerhill, University of California, Los Angeles
Kevin Terraciano, University of California, Los Angeles

Tatiana Seijas, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey
James Woodard, Montclair State University

Sean Mannion

Herman L. Bennett, Graduate Center, City University of New York (2025)
Alex Borucki, University of California, Irvine (2023)
Benjamin A. Cowan, University of California, San Diego (2023)
Surekha Davies, Utrecht University (2023)
Regina Horta Duarte, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (2025)
Ada Ferrer, New York University (2024)
Gisela Fosado, Representative of Duke University Press
Keila Grinberg, University of Pittsburgh (2026)
Marixa Lasso, Universidad Nacional de Colombia (2023)
Laura E. Matthew, Marquette University (2023)
Michelle McKinley, University of Oregon (2024)
Marcy Norton, University of Pennsylvania (2026)
Bianca Premo, Florida International University, Representative of CLAH (2023)
David Sartorius, University of Maryland (2026)
Alejandro Velasco, New York University (2026)
Charles Walker, University of California, Davis (2023)
Tamara J. Walker, University of Toronto (2025)
Kirsten Weld, Harvard University (2023)


Alberto Santiago Martinez: Project Leader, Site Design, Programming

Photo Credits: Fototeca Nacional del INAH.  Núm. Inv. 428058.  “Indigenas rodean avioneta al pie de la pirámide del sol”