Kathleen Kole de Peralta is an assistant professor of history at Idaho State University specializing in Latin American and environmental history. Her research integrates environment, health, and the digital humanities on colonial Peru. You can read her article “Mal Olor and Colonial Latin American History: Smellscapes in Lima, Peru, 1535–1614” in HAHR 99.1.

Fidel J. Tavárez is a scholar of the Spanish Atlantic, focused on issues of political economy, Enlightenment, and imperial reforms during the eighteenth century. He completed a PhD in history at Princeton University (2016). For the 2018–19 academic year, he has been awarded a research fellowship from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and will be based at the Freie Universität Berlin. You can read his article “Colonial Economic Improvement: How Spain Created New Consulados to Preserve and Develop Its …

Interview with Fidel J. Tavárez, author of “Colonial Economic Improvement: How Spain Created New Consulados to Preserve and Develop Its American Empire, 1778–1795” Leer más »

The trailblazing Latin American historian María Elena Martínez passed away on November 16, 2014, after a brief, difficult, and valiant struggle with cancer. Her posthumous article “Sex and the Colonial Archive: The Case of ‘Mariano’ Aguilera”–which can be read in HAHR’s new special issue “New Directions in Colonial Latin American History”–makes bold claims about what archival practices can and cannot tell us about the history of sexuality in colonial Latin America. This open forum, organized by David Kazanjian and …

Open forum on “Sex and the Colonial Archive: The Case of ‘Mariano’ Aguilera” Leer más »